Welcome to Grade 3!

Welcome to Grade 3!!!
You fit right in!

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Very Productive!

Dear Parents and Students,

What a busy, but productive, week.  Students showed what they are capable of in the tests and assignments of this week.  I am very impressed! 

Curriculum progress for week 5:
Math:  We are busy with addition (Chapter 4).
Science:  We finished the first chapter in Unit A.  We looked closely at leaves and stems through magnifying glasses.
English:  We completed Unit 2 and know a lot about nouns now.
Reading:  We are busy with our fourth story. 

Next week we are going to write a Science, a Math and an English test. 
The Science test will be on Monday, October 4th.  Students will get tested on Chapter 1, Parts of Plants.
The Math will be written on Tuesday, October 5th.  Students need to study Chapter 3, Money, for the Math test.
The English Test will take place on Thursday, October 7th.  For the English test students need to study Unit 2, Nouns.

Oral Presentation:
The next presentation is scheduled for Friday, October 15th.  The title of this presentation will be “Show us how you …".  Students should focus on giving the class clear directions on how to make something or how to do something.   It could be how to make a sandwich, how to make something artistic, how to make a card, how to play a game, etc.  Presentations can include cue cards that students can refer to if they forget their directions.  Please remember that students should not be reading their directions directly from their cue cards.       When choosing a topic, students should keep in mind that they need to demonstrate the actions as they give directions.   Props are therefore a necessity.  Students should also remember to speak clearly and audibly.

Our Student of the Week is Hiromu Matsuyama.  He is a very friendly student who is performing very well in all areas of school.  He also got very good test results.  Congratulations, Hiromu!

Enjoy the weekend!  And don’t forget to study! 

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Look at us!

Grade 3's are having fun! 

Yehna Jung was Student of the Week for week 5!
Congratulations, Yehna!

Tatsuya got one year older on September 24th.
We had a great time celebrating his birthday with him.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

What happened in week 4?

Dear Parents and Students,

First I want to say happy birthday to Tatsuya Ochi.  We wish him loads of happiness and good health!  Plus good scores!  J  Thank you Tatsuya for the delicious pizza!  What an enjoyable pizza party we had today!

Curriculum progress for week 4:

Math:  We are nearly finish with Chapter 3.  All students are showing good knowledge of the money concept.
English:  Students can write with nouns and learnt different plural forms.
Science:  We started this week with the first Chapter of Unit A.  Students know all the different plant parts and the functions of them.
Reading:  We started with our third story – Lost and Found.  We also already started with questions about the story.

This week we also had a lot of fun with dictionaries.  One of our problems of the week was a problem based on dictionaries.  Students worked very well in teams and completed the problem successfully. 

Our Student of the Week is Yehna Jung.  She is performing very well in all the subject areas and got full scores in tests, homework assignments and classwork.  Well done, Yehna!

On Monday, September 27th, we will have a Social Study test about Chapters 1 and 2.
Next Thursday, September 30th, we will write a Reading test.  The reading test will include comprehension, phonics and spelling we did in the units.  The test will be based on theme one.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, 17 September 2010

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Dear Parents and Students,

I want to start this week’s blog letter with a huge thank you.  I had an unforgettable birthday and felt very spoiled.  Thank you for all the lovely gifts, the beautiful cards and the delicious snacks!  I appreciate it a lot!  Thank you very much.

I want to remind all Gr.3 students about Monday’s test.  We are going to write an English test on Monday, 20 September based on Unit 1. 

Also please take note of the Math test on Thursday, 23 September.  In the Math test students will get tested on Chapters 1, and 2. 

On Monday, 27 September, we will be writing a Social Studies test.  The test will be about Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

Curriculum Progress during week 3:
Math:  We started with Chapter 3 this week.  Students learned about the Value of money and how to count coins and bills.
English:  We are busy with Unit 2.  Unit 2 is about Nouns and students can already identify proper nouns and common nouns.
Social Studies:  We finished Chapter 2 this week.
Reading:  We are nearly finished with questions about our second story - The Legend of Mulan.


Student of the week for this week is Stanford Yu.  Congratulations Stanford!  He always shows excellent manners and respect to students and teachers.  He is also a hard worker.  

Well done all students with the great oral presentations!  What an enjoyable day it has been with all the extraordinary performances.

Have a wonderful weekend!  And study hard!  

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Grade 3's are great performers!

Dear Parents and Students,

What an exciting Friday to finish off the second week of school.  We had very interesting and fun Show-and-Tell performances.  Seven students came and share their favorite book with us.  We saw some professional presentations by Michitaro Yasui and Hiromu Matsuyama.

We awarded our first Student of the Week for the school year.  Congratulations to Jonathan Sun.  He is a very good example of a student who works hard and has great attitude.

A reminder of next week’s oral presentations, My Favorite Animal:

Students' oral presentations will be graded according to these criteria:

1. Preparation – notes or cue cards
2. Depth and breadth of material; organization of material
3. Expression – usage of tones (intonation)
4. Clarity – pronunciation, voice must be audible and clear
5. Delivery – confidence and direct eye contact with audience

Each item is worth 4 points with a total of 20 points per presentation. Presentations should be between 3 to 5 minutes. Parents and students please practice at home.

Here is an update about our curriculum progress this week in Gr.3:

Math:  We started with Chapter 2 and most students are already confident in comparing and ordering numbers.
English:  Students identified subjects and predicates of sentences. They also practiced how to correct run-on sentences. (Unit 1 will be finished early next week)
Social Studies: Chapter 1 is close to an end. We learnt about oceans, rivers and lakes.
Students also showed great score results in their first spelling test in Gr.3!

Please watch this space for the dates of upcoming tests.

It was a pleasure for me to meet some of the parents on Thursday evening.  I am looking forward to meeting the parents who were unable to attend our Parents’ Introductory Evening. I am excited about working together with you all.  

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

Monday, 6 September 2010

Show-and-Tell and Oral Presentation

Dear Parents and Students,

Below is more information regarding the assignments I gave in class for Show and Tell and Oral Presentation.  Please note the dates on which they have to take place.

Show and Tell:  (On Friday, September 10th, Alex, Airi, Evelyn, Hiromu, Jonathan, Leo and Mitchitaro will be "on stage" for Show and Tell.  On Friday, September 17th, it will be Ryan, Sharon, Shawn, Stanford, Tatsuya, Teressa and Yehna's turn.)

Topic:  My favorite English storybook

Think about the following and come and tell us in class:
  • When was the first time you read the story?
  • Where did you get the book?/Who gave it to you?
  • What is the story about?
  • Who is your favorite character in the story and why?

Oral Presentation:  September 17th

Topic:  My Favorite Animal

Come present interesting facts about your favorite animal.  If you have something interesting related to your animal, bring it in to show us!
Don't forgot to tell why is it your favorite animal!

Presentations should be between 3 - 5 minutes.
Students have to use their voices to keep the audience interested - props or a poster will help with this.
Gestures also support the presentation.

Enjoy preparing for these assignments! 

Friday, 3 September 2010

Time flies when you're having fun!

Dear Parents,

The first week of Grade 3 has passed - and it happened fast.  Well, "time flies when you are having fun"! Thank you for your assistance in ensuring that we function well as a team. I appreciate your cooperation.

We already started with Math, Handwriting, Reading and English this week. We also spent this week getting to know each other, the schedule, and classroom procedures.

·        In Math, we have completed our first six lessons about Place and Value.
·        Students showed beautiful handwriting and their work is being presented on the bulletin board in class.
·        Our first theme in English is "What is a sentence".  Students also completed a booklet about themselves and their worlds.
·        In Reading, we read our first story, Cliff Hanger, and completed the first activity about adventures.
·        In Art, students surprised me with their creativity!

From next week we will work at a faster pace. Now that students are settled back into the school routine after the long summer vacation, we are ready to start learning and growing more quickly!

As you know, the students have a homework book which needs to be signed daily. Please sign this book only when the homework is complete. Your signature will indicate that they have done the assignment as required. If the homework is incomplete, please do not sign.

Thank you once again for your assistance.  

Have a pleasant weekend!

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Grade 3 Timetable

8.30 - 8.40
P.O.W. (Problem of the week)
8.40 - 9.30
9.30 – 10.00
Spelling & Dictation
10.00 – 10.15
Morning Snack
10.15 – 10.30
Morning Recess
10.30 – 11.00
Listening Skills
Spelling & Dictation Test
11.00 – 11.50
(11.20 – 12.10)
(11.00 – 11.40)

Spelling Practice (11.40 – 11.50)
 (11.00 – 11.40)

Spelling Practice (11.40 – 11.50)
Handwriting (11.00 – 11.30)
Correct Homework
(11.30 – 11h50)
11.50 – 12.30
Science/Social Studies
Oral Presentations/ Study Skills
12.30 – 12.55
12.55 – 1.10
Afternoon Recess
1.10 – 1.55
English Activities (Phonics/Map Skills)
Science/Social Studies
Art and Craft
(1.10 -2.15)

Show and Tell/
Read Aloud
(2.15 – 2.45)
1.55 – 2.45
Science/Social Studies
Science/Social Studies
2.45 – 2.55
Write homework/Pack up
2.55 – 3.05
Bus children depart
3.10 – 4.00
School Clubs
Elective Activities
School Clubs
Elective Activities
Elective Activities