Dear Parents,
The first week of Grade 3 has passed - and it happened fast. Well, "time flies when you are having fun"! Thank you for your assistance in ensuring that we function well as a team. I appreciate your cooperation.
We already started with Math, Handwriting, Reading and English this week. We also spent this week getting to know each other, the schedule, and classroom procedures.
· In Math, we have completed our first six lessons about Place and Value.
· Students showed beautiful handwriting and their work is being presented on the bulletin board in class.
· Our first theme in English is "What is a sentence". Students also completed a booklet about themselves and their worlds.
· In Reading , we read our first story, Cliff Hanger, and completed the first activity about adventures.
· In Art, students surprised me with their creativity!
From next week we will work at a faster pace. Now that students are settled back into the school routine after the long summer vacation, we are ready to start learning and growing more quickly!
As you know, the students have a homework book which needs to be signed daily. Please sign this book only when the homework is complete. Your signature will indicate that they have done the assignment as required. If the homework is incomplete, please do not sign.
Thank you once again for your assistance.
Have a pleasant weekend!
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